Monday, July 9, 2007

365 Day Challenge - Day 19 The hair is off tomorrow!!

This is the last day of putting up with this hair!!

Its so long and heavy, and gives me headaches everyday.

Its a fine line between the right length and too long and heavy and by the time I realise its too long and heavy and i make an appointment, its usually a couple of weeks wait which is very painfull!!!

I think this time i am going to go much shorter - not short, but have layers cut into it. With the invention of the hair straightner, it shouldnt be as unmanagble having layers now.

I used to have layers when i was much younger and as i do have a natural kink in my hair, it usually sticks out everywhere and always looks messy. So i grew all the layers out and now its too heavy!!

My "New best friend Brenda" has her hair layered and it always looks nice straightened, and my daughter Emelia has the same hair as me which she now has layered and straightened - so I am hoping it will look OK. If not I can always wear it in a ponytail!!

This is a photo of me when i was about 17 maybe with layered hair. Of course it was permed at the time, but it does have that whole BIG HAIR look doesnt it!!!

Hmmm, on second thoughts.... I really dont know now.

I have defiantely come to the conclusion that a fringe is OUT!!!
No more back to a fringe!!
Very 80's indeed!!!

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