Friday, November 23, 2007

Day 156 - No wonder i am getting fatter by the day!!!

Ok, I admit it now. I am so like, totally depressed!!!!

After living in denial for the week about the consequences of my big weekend - I found myslef on the scales this morning - and then on the floor when i died of shock!!! A weekend on the town cost me 4 kilos!!! Do you know how long it takes me to LOSE 4 kilos!!! Ive been trying to loose 4 Kilos for 3 months and have successfully gained it!!!! How angry am i!!! My stupid body and stupid me for consuming the food and drinkies in the first place.....

I suppose i could have gone away for a fully catered girls weekend away and taken my Jenny Craig food and just drank water..... but come on now... where is the life experience in that!!!!

So next week - we are back on again and there will be no short cuts until i lose that 10 kilos once and for all!!!!


So, now that i have shared my personal reprimand with the rest of the country, here is day 156...... A day of much socialing!! Yes I know, obviously jumping on the scales did the trick didnt it!!! NOT!!!

We had a lovely Brunch at our place "The Verdict", with Jack and Brenda. Jack is 21 today.... doesnt she look great!!!

Heres Brenda and I... gotta get in on the act!!!!

Brendas friend from Gundy who has Party in a Box business makes these lovely truffles.... so gonna order me some!!! They were devine......
Notice.... once again, the scales having an impact of my decisions for the day with food choices!!!!! No wonder!!!

Here is a little chrissy trinklet music box that Brenda bought for Jack. Its grogeous!!!

Now it wasnt enought that i hadd brunch with the girls, but i also went out to my good friend Marianns place for morning tea and then had a date with the hubby at the Verdict for lunch!!!!
Next week.... its all back on track next week!!!

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