Wednesday, November 21, 2007

DAY 151 - Finally some scrapping!!!

Day 151 - I think it was quite an achievement that my daily photos continued during this trip..
This is day 151 showing of my fav layout for the weekend....

Here it is closer- "Im a Pricess God Damn it" so appropriate!!
I will submit it!!!
Self explanotory!!! "Rock Estieddford"

"Shots at the dam"

"Send in the clown"... yep thats me under that suit!!

Sunday was very sombre..... a lovely breakie though...yum yum!!!!
Got all the scrapping done that i did on Sunday morning - hence all the rushed not that great pages!!!
Met a few more of the cyber girls.......
Left to go meet Michelle for the Sunday night
I met up with emelia and michelle. Emelia had a huge shopping trip and proceeded to give me a fashion parade.
Then we headed to to lookout in michelles red convertable!!
Here we are at the lookout.

We stayed for coffee and watched the sun set.

Then headed to chineese..
We got home and i was so tired!! Almost no sleep all weekend!!!
But proceeded to try on Michelles wardrobe. She has some great clothes - but are so not me!! Im hugely conservative in my fashion taste. I like to cover the lumpy bits. LOL

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