Its been such a hectic weekend, with the wedding and dds birthday and all!!! All I thought about was getting all this done.
I completely forgot that today was our wedding anniversary!!! Totally didnt even give it a thought.
So as I was lying in bed thismorning trying to wake up and my husband put this lovely wrapped box in my hand and said "Happy Anniversary", I nearly died!! Its not the wifes position to forget these things!!!
I was totally sick that i forgot.......
Anyway, this is what was in the package.....
I had eyed this off a while ago and dragged stu into the jewellery shop and showed him, not thinking anymore about it as i have done that before, and stus bought something else...... So how stoked was i!!!!
We did come to an agreement though... My gift would be a ful body massage and lamb shanks for tea. I make the BEST lamb shanks. Better than the restaurants!! I dont cook much, but the few things i do cook, I cook really well!!! They were totally wicked!!!
And here we are, still blissfully happy after 18 years together!!!
Happy Anniversary darling... I lvoe you more than ever!!!