Thursday, October 30, 2008

Not Much to share.......

I dont have any layouts to share (or that i can share... Ive done heaps for DT) but i was flicking through some old photos today and thought i would share Emelias long term desire for a horse.

Since she was about 2 she has wanted one so desperately. She was obsesed. She didnt have dolls, she had horse farms... all shapes and sizes of horses all in their own families.
Her walls were plastered in Pony Palls posters and Stu read the whole series of Pony Pals to her before before bed time... Along with Black Beauty the old version and the newer one...

When you think about it, no wonder she was so lost and never fit in anywhere - beacuase she wasnt able to do the only thing she really wanted to do...

Here is a photo of her at Gunnedah show. She would have been about 2 1/2.

Here she is again at about 4. She actually put this photo in a Mcdonalds frame she got from a happy meal and put it on Stuarts side of his bed attaching it to the wall.... its still there.... Expresing her desire to ahve her own horsy.
In the "olden" days, before the kids got a bit older and we got some resemblance of life back.... every year each of us would choose somewhere to have our holiday. This particular year, it was emelias turn and all she wanted to do was go to a horse farm.
So we did a farm stay at Oberon. They bred horses and had all sorts of animals. Emelia was totally in her element!!!
We had ridig each day, although due to the fowl weather, we didnt venture outside the roundyard.
There was also a foal born while we were there... The weather the whole time was shocking and i remember it cost a fortune!!! We didnt have much money back then and this kind of holiday was a huge luxury for us.... But Emelia loved it!!
While i was flicking through, i also came across this realy cute photo of Josh and Rexy!!! Rexy is still here on the bookshelf. I found him a few months ago packed up, so bought him out again.
Rexy was a teranisorus rex dinosaur toy complete with dress shirt!! Josh took him everywhere, so he put a shirt on his so people wouldnt think him rude!!! So cute what kids do.!!

So thats a trip down memory lane..

See this is why i scrapbook, to share my stories with the kids when they forget them and then they can share them with their kids....


Lisa A said...

OMG!!! You have just given me an idea..I have always liked cats and dogs since I was little like emelia likes horses......

kerry said...

Jodi that is great to stroll down memory lane i must go and dig out the pics of my two eldest and strt to scrap them.take care Kerry xx Registered & Protected


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