Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Biker Sleepover...

My husband is developing the strange habit of bringing home stray bikers.
He met these two guys on the Buell Forum and they have come all the way from Broken Hill to attend this years Buell Muster in Merwilumbar.
They were coming through Gunendah last night when the storm was passing through and it was heading in the same direction as them.
Stu was meeting them at Maccas anyway to say gidday and invited them for a sleepover.... Hmmm

So we had an extra two bikes and a trailer in the shed, one big boke in the lounge room and another one in the family room.
Very strange kinda fellas. Stu met them at last years Buell Muster and he leave to head there himself tomorrow on his panzy geek bike... last year he had a Buell too..

Other than that, Ive been doing up SWV Class kits today.... Not much....


Lisa A said...

Hey Jodi,
Where they good looking Bikers.....

kerry said...

Hey jodi i hope they are worth looking at hahahaha.Love the new look blog too.take care Kerry xx Registered & Protected


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