Saturday, August 29, 2009

I thought I was cool

You may have noticed a lack of motorbike photos recently.....
Well, its kinda like this..
I thought i was cool, but it turns out Im just a whimp!!!!
Cyn is hitting the market!!!!!
Its a bit daunting when your riding along and you have visions of death constantly flash before your eyes.... Very off putting for ones confidence..
I know that with practise, this will stop, but in all realisticness, i just dont have the time to practise as much as i need to..
And the trip to Tazzy has been cancelled as it clashed with other important events, so i now have no incentive to try to override my fears....
So I'm hanging up the gloves and putting the boots away until such as i have to time spare to dedicate to getting more confident....
Its a bit sad, and was a hard decision....
But, im a whimp!! What i can say!!

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