Monday, August 29, 2011

The Colour Room - Palette #73

My time with The Colour Room
Revolving Door Artist Continues....
This weeks reveal is:
 (Which was on Friday! Running a little late with blogging about it! Whoops!)

"Love at First Sniff"

The Story Behind this photo:

This is when we moved into the house we live in now. In was 2000 and there were these horses in the paddock behind us. Emelia was 6 and this horse is Cimmi, who when Emelia was 14 started riding and Cimmi helped save Emelia from some very bad choices!!! We say that Cimmi saved her life. Cimmi passed away last year and she was 33 years old! I wish Emelia had started riding her when they first met, but we didn't know who owned these horses and didn't find out until Emelia was 14 that it was someone id known really well all along!! But things happen for a reason... maybe Emelia was meant to experience what she did at a young age because she will and has gone on to help other young girls making silly choices with their lives.

Here is the palette and Sketch

Why dont you come along and play with us...


Leanne said...

WOW! Love it!! Congrats on being named as a RDA!! woo hoo!

BabyBokChoy said...

oh my gosh, what a layout after my own heart, WHAT a great sense of humor with this layout not to mention absolutely gorgeous!!! love it :) Registered & Protected


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