Thursday, October 29, 2009

Welcome to Dolbel Zoo

With a visit to our back yard this week,
there are more than just humans residing among us..

A peak at the step at the side of our house
you will find something scaly....
See him peaking through...
Every now and then we can catch him sunning himself...
But you've gotta be quick, he is very shy!!
Then we have the furry variety...
Puss, Conan or Cat, depending on who is calling him,
siting in the best spot in the house..
They have him so spoilt!!!
This little guy is so adorable!!
He can talk too.... he gets him point across!!!
So soft, he is pancakes..
There is also black rabbit and black pig in there too....
The pig is a Guinea pig, not an oink oink pig...

Now this bloke..
I was pegging out the washing
and look what i found peaking out at me...
Its only about 2 metres away from me...
and didnt seam scared at all...
Looking at him though he looks very poor..
He might be crook...
He found some grass to eat...
Ive tried to feed him bread and lettuce..
And what's that lurking out the dining room window?
He's found a cool place to rest..
He is still here....
There was another kangaroo over the weekend that got caught in the barbed wire fence out the back of our place in the paddock. (Not our paddock). One of the neighbourhood kids found her all tangled up in the wire. It had cut right through all its flesh to the bone. Llyod (our neighbour) cut the wire to help it excape, but it was too far gone..
And guess what? She had the tiniet little joey....
Sadly, she didn't survive the ordeal, she had to be put down.
But the little joey has gone to wires to be raised and released....


Brenda said...

I love the "zoo" post, bit sad about the kangaroo that didn't make it though, atleast the joey is in a good place where he'll get lots of love.

Phillipa, said...

hey Jode, Just catching up on your blog from Niagara Falls. This is one amazing place and has just blown me away!! Love your menagerie!! The weather here is not all that good...only about 11 today! Registered & Protected


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