Saturday, October 17, 2009

Quirindi Jamboree

Its been a busy couple of days...
well in truth, a couple of weeks!!!
We went to the Zone 5 Jamboree on Thursday

We had a bit of a convoy with Stu towing the horse float and me towing the caravan!
Thanks to mum & ken who bought one just a couple of weeks ago!!

We had a bit of a setup.
We had the awning off the caravan and then the car was backed up to that and Emelia slept in the car, another friends float was backed to the other end of the awning and we all congregated together!!!
By the way, our friend Pam is an awesome camp cook!!
We had roast lamb, veges and gravy for tea last night!!
And Damper for breakie!!!
Pam was up early and put it on and it was lovely and hot by the time i rolled out of bed!!! Yummo!!!!

Anyway, back to the horse stuff..
Here are the kids together again after a couple of days rest after Pony Camp

Here is Emelia and Solo.
Solo is still a bit fluffy after winter.... But he is all dressed up complete with the Club browband!
Some clubs had the most gorgeous browbands, all blingy and sparkly!
Solo is getting better at hacking, particularly after Emelia getting to know more about her legs signals and things at camp.
He is tucking while he walks and canters now, but trotting he still chucks it out there!!! Little sod!!
Here are Emelia and her sections partner Georgia.
Georgia is about 10! But the horses matched beautifully!
I thought they did really well in their sections.
Then it was time for the hacking and rider classes!!!
Emelia was called in in her Rider class!!!
I was so pleased for her. She did look reallly good and her seat is getting more and more confident and she is holding herself lovely!
I feel for her though.
Its been just over 12 months since she first got on a horse, and this is her final pony camp year now and she is up against girls that have been riding since they could walk!!!
So its always a thrill when she gets called in for rider classes....
I managed to learn to plait his tail properly too!!
It looked awesome! So good we kept it in the whole time!!
Then we moved onto the jumping!!!
Im so proud of them both!!!
Emelia was kept in E grade for this event, and E grade is always so big a group! I cant remember exactly how many but like maybe 30 or more!!
In this event they have to run the course closest to the time that's nominated.
And its considered cheating if you try to calculate or time jumpers too see how long they do it in.
But after the Pony Camp debarkle, we know that Solo has to do the course pretty quick as he is so much smaller and takes smaller steps.
So one horse might just lob around and Solo will have to canter pretty fast and they still get the same time... as what happened at camp....
So Emelia did it fast!!!
And got through to the jump off!!
And she did it fast again!!!!
The optimum time was 30 seconds and she did it in 28.
And took third place!!!
It was so exciting!!! Yay!!
They both love jumping!! Solo is a different horse when he is jumping! Just loves it!
Im thinking we might join the showjumping club at Tamworth.
They both love it and Solo is so easy to ride when he is doing something he loves.....

So that was the end of day one!!
And guess what i found?
Pink Cruisers!!
They taste like Fairy Floss!!!
No wonder the kids are being banned from these Lolly Drinks!!!

So after a fun night
We had more sporting events..
Which Solo hates!! He embarrassed Emelia so much today in the barrels!!
She was so upset!! He just hates doing sporting!!
Then we had the grand parade!
Here is Gunnedah
And that was the weekend!!
Home now and ready to go back to school on Monday and back to real life again!
This school holidays has been so hectic!!

1 comment:

Lisa A said...

way to go emelia, we are all proud of you..keep up the good work Registered & Protected


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