Sunday, December 13, 2009

Fires on Kelvin

It was so smokey today
So Emelia and i went for a drive to Porky
to see where all the smoke was coming from!!!
Kelvin is on fire!!!
Looks like a volcano in the distance hey???
Here is a closer view
So Stu and i decided to go up again tonight to see if we can see the flames...
With the naked eye, all you can see are a few little red dots
Even through the lense there was nothing...
Until you set it to leave the lenze open for a few seconds...
Then its a whole different story!!!
You can really see the whole mountain is on fire!!!
It must be really lit up on the other side of the mountain too....
But its so dry....


Kirsty said...

I love the photo taken at night! fires always look WAY impressive at night!

just another day said...

great shots jodi, boy do you need some rain

passion4pink said...

Its really quite scary isn't it! We have smok all around us too from fires at Bundarra. Craig's girl jaimee was stayin at friends house in the thick of it very scary too close to home really! Registered & Protected


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